Thursday, August 24, 2006


These past few weeks have gone by very fast. Time moves very fast these days... is it technology? It seems the more I do, the more I have to do... Today I named this new generation of young adults "post modern hippies." It was received well by a friend of mine... more about that later. In the meantime, just chill.. like the Snow leopard.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kiss The Kitty, NOT THE FROG

Sometimes, when I'm not on assignment I wish I was... for example my visit to the Santa Barbara Zoo was really nice. The zoo is beautiful and the animals are well kept. When coming upon the Lion den, everyone was in for a surprise... the big cat was sleeping right up against the plexi-glass. It was an amazing site, to see the lion and to see the reaction of the children.
Another interesting attraction was the poisonous frogs. They were so small, and so beautiful, like little jewels. Pretty little things that kill.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Photo by Michael WilliamsMy job is amazing, challenging and interesting. We have to adapt to all kinds of situations, never knowing just what the outcome will be.
Last Sunday was a typical day. I had my marching orders (list of assignments) and headed out into the blazing hot sun. It was an unusual kind of day in that I had to visit many different places, a tour of private ponds as well as a tour of private and public art galleries. One of my last stops was an artists home, the art was great, and they were lovely people. As it turned out, there were other like minded photogs there as well, company of the artists, and well, I became the subject of my assignment. I must say this is the first time this has happened to me... sometimes it's o.k. to let your hair down so to speak, although mine was up under my cap.


One more example of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun." This day, they wanted to have fun.. make a mess.. become part of the mess, etc.It was an innocent activity, gone wild, Rachel and Sarah started out making a scrap book, which escalated into a full on glitter-glue fight. Running around the house, and down the street. In about ten minutes the damage was done.And the fun had been.. a rare moment to capture, as their fleeting teenage days are about to come to an end.A kiss goodbye, and upon my return.. everything was spotless.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Conversations about photography and opinion can be thought provoking, and I feel it is always good to ask ourselves questions that keep us in check and to remind us as photojournalists why, how, when and where we take our images... After viewing the beautifuly stylized photos taken by Greenberg, they are but a moment in time, an art concept, which has nothing to do with photojournalism. Yet still, the conversation is facinating and I wanted to post this for that reason.
The question is.... for all you photogs out there... would you take these images? How would you take these images? And why?

Exploit and Click
The fuss over the photographer who makes kids cry.
By Jim Lewis
Posted Friday, July 7, 2006, at 6:35 PM ET

Like many people, I dislike having my picture taken, and the fact that I love to look at photography, to think about it, and sometimes to write about it, has done little to leaven my antipathy toward participating in it. Having a camera pointed at me makes me self-conscious, a feeling I do my best to avoid; and it prick! ! s my vanity. (I used to tell myself I was simply unphotogenic, but in time I came to realize that, no, in fact I just look like that.) Moreover, I always wind up feeling slightly violated: My countenance is among my most intimate possessions, and when a photographer makes off with an image of it I feel like I've been fleeced. Anthropologists have described isolated tribes who would not allow themselves to be photographed by Western visitors because they were convinced that some part of their soul was being stolen. There is something to be said for such a belief.

Exploitation is photography's true métier: I take that to be a fact, though not such a damning one as it may appear to be. There are other professions, after all, that traffic in similar kinds of advantage-taking (psychoanalysis is one; journalism is another), and exploitation, like anything else, can be well or badly done. Some photographers negotiate it nimbly, with a kind of moral intelligence, and the art th! ! ey make is brilliant and enlightening; and some are clums! y or cra ss. Which brings me to the work of Jill Greenberg and the quarrels that have sprung up around it in the past few weeks.

Greenberg is an L.A.-based photographer whose work, judging from her Web site, the all-too-aptly named, has generally been commercial and editorial: ads for Target, portraits of celebrities, that sort of thing. But she also has a small art career, showing more conceptual work in galleries, and she has an exhibit up now at the Paul Kopeikin Gallery on Wilshire Boulevard. The show is titled End Times, and it consists of a few dozen large photographs of infants and toddlers throwing tantrums: sobbing, red-faced, staring furiously. Fair enough. But they're not meant to be read as mere baby pictures; they're meant to be a statement. As Greenberg herself explains in the gallery's press rel! ! ease, "The first little boy I shot, Liam, suddenly became hysterically upset. It reminded me of helplessness and anger I feel about our current political and social situation." "As a parent," she continues, "I have to reckon with the knowledge that our children will suffer for the mistakes our government is making. Their pain is a precursor of what is to come."

This is the sort of art that makes one groan and roll one's eyes. It's political in the worst way: literal-minded, preachy as a bumper sticker, and, well, infantile. Moreover, the pictures themselves don't look very interesting (for one thing, Greenberg seems to think that size—the photos are 42 inches by 50 inches—is a substitute for power). But lots of people make bad art without inspiring the kind of fury that Greenberg drew down upon herself. Her mistake was not in her meaning, but in her method.

It turns out that Greenberg doesn't just hang around her studio waiting for one of her toddler subjects t! ! o melt down: She induces the tantrum, by, say, giving the! child a lollipop, and then suddenly taking it away. When a photography enthusiast who goes by the pseudonym of Thomas Hawk discovered as much, he pilloried Greenberg on his blog, in a post that can be summarized by its headline: Jill Greenberg is a Sick Woman Who Should Be Arrested and Charged With Child Abuse. The post generated a few hundred comments, and the discussion spread to Flickr, and then to other blogs, and then finally to BoingBoing. Most of those who weighed in came down on Hawk's side. Greenberg responded in an interview on

It looks like what's going on here is the standard "can good art be made by bad people" debate, but to the extent that that's so, it's uninteresting. As Faulkner once said, "If a w! ! riter has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' is worth any number of old ladies." But Greenberg isn't Keats, and bad art neither deserves nor receives the kind of moral pass that Faulkner was endorsing. An asshole who makes great art is an asshole who makes great art; but an asshole who makes lousy art is just an asshole.

On the other hand, Greenberg isn't Leni Riefenstahl, either. Small children, as she points out in the PopPhoto interview, often have tantrums, and they usually blow over quickly, and are just as quickly forgotten. To provoke tears in order to take a picture is objectionable, and worthy of some condemnation. But it's not as if she beat them with a belt because she wanted to photograph their bruises. On this front, it seems to me, Greenberg was wrong, and Hawk overreacted, and there isn't much more to be said.

But an insight can be sifted out of Greenberg's peccancy and Hawk's cant. Photography tends to magnify and di! ! stort both deeds and misdeeds—more so than other art fo! rms, and in fact more than almost any activity I can think of. The specter of exploitation hovers over it, and it's this, I think, that accounts for Hawk's disproportionate outrage. If Greenberg were making infants weep in the service of a psychological experiment, one might feel uneasy, but the dismay would no doubt be tempered by one's sense that a greater good was to come of it. If she were doing it because she wanted to, say, draw them, or write poems about them, many people might still find it objectionable, but not, I don't think, to quite the same degree. Indeed, if she were doing it just for the hell of it, we would consider her cruel and culpable; but the fact that she made them cry so that she could take their pictures somehow makes it worse.

The point becomes clearer, or at any rate starker, by comparison with pornography. In most states, the age of consent is 16 or 17, but federal law stipulates that you can only be photographed having sex if you're 18 or older. Two ! ! 17-year-olds can copulate to their hearts' content, and their friends can watch: However creepy it may be, no laws would be broken. But they can't be photographed in the act, nor can anyone, of any age, so much as look at such a photo. The picture has a legal status quite different from the thing it pictures.

This is as it should be, for many reasons; but one of them is simply that photography is, in its essence, a form of predation, and its being so transforms the meaning of the scenes it shows. The power of the photographer over his or her subject is immense, and not just because one can manipulate the other, or even because one acquires and owns an image of the other. A photograph is, as the vernacular has it, something you "take," but the taking isn't simply material: It's metaphysical, and it's moral (I would say it's spiritual, if the word didn't seem vapid).

Exploitation lies at the root of every interaction between a photographer and a human subject, and ev! ! ery photographer worth a damn knows this. It is unavoidab! le, it i s intrinsic to the very act taking pictures, and the most sophisticated photographers work their understanding of it into their practice, in various subtle ways. I've watched dozens of them at work, and each has a different method: Some bond with their subjects, some boss them around, some flirt and seduce, some ignore, some distract, and some just watch. But with the best of them you can see something in their eyes, and in their work, that proves their trustworthiness and creates a kind of complicity. Jill Greenberg is decidedly not one of the best, but her clumsiness inadvertently reveals a fundamental truth: Taking a picture is a deep and ethically complex thing to do, and everyone who engages in it is compromised, right from the start.

I don't mean this as a condemnation of photography. On the contrary, I love the medium, and it fascinates me endlessly, precisely because it's so freighted with the problem of power and responsibility. It is born in a bed of plunder an! ! d abuse; but in the right hands it can end in beauty, and how we get from one to the other is as profound a grace as any art can manifest.

Jim Lewis is the author of three novels, most recently, The King Is Dead.

Article URL:
Copyright 2006 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


There are moments in a work day from time to time when I as a photographer say to myself... "I have to do what?" Photographers will do almost anything to get THE PICTURE, even on a hot afternoon, under a blazing sun. This is not an exotic land or a distant place, it's right there in the heart of Glendale. As I was climbing and cursing my writer it became more and more clear to me that I must get some good art. The fear of falling with my equipment was never far from my mind, climbing or descending with two Mark II Canons... anything less than upright would be a disaster.
It's funny how some days turn into journeys and a quest to simply preserver and achieve the goal, while other days are just a walk in the park... perhaps Verdugo Park? The reward came with a view, it was sure pretty up there.

Monday, July 10, 2006


There are times in a parents life when it's fine to say.... "I did a great job?" These two party animals mugging for the cameraas the apple of their parents eye... I'm sure. I think it's more like a state of being... yet, I know either one of them could become our next Senator, Governor or even President. God help us! In the meantime, if you see these two out on the street....RUN! Don't walk, they have the ability to suck the life out of you... that's how they always look so pretty, no matter what.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Fireworks have come and gone, and it seems that I just might be in need of some ice cream. Chocolate Raspberry Truffle would do nicely, that always seems to pick-me-up. It seems that life is very complicated, nothing that tomorrow won't take care of. I'm just wondering how many tomorrows? I have said it often to my family and friends that when things are good with our children, life is good, and when there's a question of their happiness and wellbeing, well, life is just a bitch! No matter how good yours is. So, now you know what kind of mood I'm in. Even after a lazy afternoon with my boyfriend, FIREWORKS and two days off in a row, which is unheard of most of the year... here I am. Enough of that... I saw the most incredible display last night, fireworks were everywhere,I must have counted 20 displays if I counted one. With a panorama camera, I wonder how that image may have come out, my location will remain nameless, there was no parking to be found anywhere, which was one of my concerns, but thanks to my boyfirends sweet and generous offer to stay in the car (which I should have done too, just because).. this is what I have. Not much, but next year we know how to prepare to seek out our mission.
P.S. After the fireworks... there was fire which was quickly put out by the Pasadena Fire Dept.... The Rose Bowl is safe and sound!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Yes that is Jay Leno at the Love Ride last year, maybe it was something that Fred said during this interview?

It's 4th of July eve, and I have an idea where I will be watching the fireworks this year... but I'm still not sure it will work out. If it does, you'll be seeing them real soon. On another note... after this week things should be picking up on the old web site construction and so as soon as it's done I will be linking everything together! I'm still looking for those images that I think I've lost, it's haunting me.

Yesterday at work was another crazy Sunday, my first without Fred in I would guess a year. I miss him very much, especially when we had an elevator incident at our offices and had to find out first hand just how fast the Fire Department is. They were very fast. And if it wasn't for the circumstances, I would have been taking all kinds of photos, but in this rare case there can be no evidence. That's as cryptic as I want to get...
Let's see what today brings..


Saturday, July 01, 2006


A funny thing (or not so funny thing) happened as I was going to file photos the other night... to my horror (or maybe I'm being punished) my files were gone. Out of nowhere, vanished! So in some ways, I was sent to blogger hell for my lack of attention. This should be fair warning to all those who start blog sites and slack off... The Blog Gods do get angry!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I escaped into a magical forest last weekend. When given the opportunity of a romantic weekend alone with a certain someone, anything can happen... the air is filled with the sent of pine, the sound of the river and wind through the trees... a cool evening with the stars, so many at 6,000 feet it's as if glitter covers the sky. I grew up here.. some years later it has changed very little if at all.
More about my trip soon, but in the meantime...... Imagine!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I know I've Been very bad, If there's a bloggers hell, I guess that's where I'm going, but hey.. I'm here to give it one more go. Funny thing happened to me while going to shoot the Rocket Launch tonight. NOTHING! Would someone please tell the Rocket Scientists over at the base to make sure they aim it where I can take a picture of it next time. PLEASE. Something else happened, something that defies the odds (if I bet on the lottery tonight, I would have won) my friend and part-time co-worker Cynthia happened across my path, 5 seconds after I picked a spot and parked my car. Mind you, this was a small road in the hills. It was amazing! Although neither one of us got the image, we sure had a good time bitching about it! Two hours later, we parted ways and I was on the freeway home.... SMOKE! LOTS OF IT TOO... yah I had to take a detour. A house under construction in Studio City had been on fire. Though I didn't get the fire.. well, I got a nice shot of the trucks! Just another day.
Sorry Mark.. it's time for new images! Miss you though..... MR. MOVIEPHONE!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Life Through A Lens

Life Through A LensHappy Valentines Day everyone... who knows if I'll ever make it out of bed today. I took my first sick day in over a year yesterday. There's a crappy crud going around our office, that seems to be inescapable. My mind is willing, but my body is full of antibiotics, cough medicine, tylenol... and a host of other alternative meds that are suppose to maintain good bacteria, speed up getting over this broncitis. Finding times for my holga as of late has been difficult. Work has been busy, and school started.. but I'm hoping I'll be able to get back with it soon.
Anyway, today my wish is that everyone feels that they are loved, in one way or another. That no one feels alone, and that everyone trys to make sure that they show love to......

Saturday, February 04, 2006


The month of February has started out with a sad yet happy surprise... Mark has left the building, for good.... moving on to another adventure at the San Fernando Business Journal, where I am sure he will thrive. Yet, I will miss re-arranging his fish every day... even though the question was asked to me by my boss... "is that what we pay you for...?" She was kidding of course when by chance she caught me in the act... just one precious minute of down time in our very busy newsroom.
And who can forget the COOKIES! Mark is the biggest cookie monster of all time.... and I do believe he was getting spoiled with my pretzels toward the end.
We covered an array of assignments together and I will miss him... he is always a great reporter to work with and an all around sweet guy, once you get over his dry humor, which I enjoyed very much.
We had one of our now famous last lunch for him... which included even the sports department's Tully, as well as JB, who can't resist a reason to come by and say hi-good-bye..... as well as getting the latest gossip.
GOOD LUCK MARK! May the sun shine on your byline!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


My Web-Mistress...and very good friend Cloe Dawn and her husband came to work tonight on my up-coming website.... but they also arrived with a little surprise, well, not so little.... a Large T.V.... I was overwhelmed of course, and adding to that they brought dinner too! Well, they wanted to make sure that I eat. Hey, I eat, just not that much these days with my crazy schedule.My Holga shooting been wanting these days, finding the time and energy for that is a challenge as well, but I gave it a shot... just for you JB! So here it is, just a hint of a "Dinner and a Movie," before we started to work on images.
So, once again, I will try to get back into the saddle and see what I can come up with in the coming days. The image that I would really like to get is Rachel's face when she sees this new wonder in our home.
Michael, being the genius that he is, set up the T.V. in not time, after all, I don't have the high end needs of his clients... THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MICHAEL AND CLOE!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


There was no "Bitchfest," today.. but here is an oldy but goody. I finally got my Holga film processed. Although I need to work with the film aspect just a little more, barring the charming light leaks, double exposures can be very interesting. This may well reflect JB's mood today.... and mine many days. We all need time to think and reflect. So, a double take is just what the doctor ordered.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I know that I have been remiss in my postings, so ..... Happy New Year! The feeling I get when I see this picture says it all. JB and I, having our weekly "Bitchfest," on a glorious sunny day, and a whole new year to see what kind of trouble we can get into. It really takes no effort at all, we just breath and it comes our way. Even though it's the dead of winter, somehow it feels like there are new wonders all around... what has me so optimistic you ask? I will just say that "it's something not too old, not borrowed, and absolutely not BLUE!" I seem to be having vivid day dreams... oh wait, that wasn't a dream! Enough teasing for now. It's my hope this year is the BEST for me and for you, and that all our dreams come true. "Be careful what you wish for," JB said. My reply is "everyone should have wishes," and as an old friend once said to me, "it's the ride... not the destination." My thought is, i would like to reach that destination... then plan another trip... !

Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
