Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Fireworks have come and gone, and it seems that I just might be in need of some ice cream. Chocolate Raspberry Truffle would do nicely, that always seems to pick-me-up. It seems that life is very complicated, nothing that tomorrow won't take care of. I'm just wondering how many tomorrows? I have said it often to my family and friends that when things are good with our children, life is good, and when there's a question of their happiness and wellbeing, well, life is just a bitch! No matter how good yours is. So, now you know what kind of mood I'm in. Even after a lazy afternoon with my boyfriend, FIREWORKS and two days off in a row, which is unheard of most of the year... here I am. Enough of that... I saw the most incredible display last night, fireworks were everywhere,I must have counted 20 displays if I counted one. With a panorama camera, I wonder how that image may have come out, my location will remain nameless, there was no parking to be found anywhere, which was one of my concerns, but thanks to my boyfirends sweet and generous offer to stay in the car (which I should have done too, just because).. this is what I have. Not much, but next year we know how to prepare to seek out our mission.
P.S. After the fireworks... there was fire which was quickly put out by the Pasadena Fire Dept.... The Rose Bowl is safe and sound!

1 comment:

jbwritergirl said...

Those fireworks remind me of a brain on kids. Sometimes the explosion is huge, sometimes it's just a little fart.
Great location to shoot from, I'm sure that anyone who sees them will go on a scavanger hunt to seek out the secret shooter spot.
Hang in there, this too shall pass!!!

Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
