Saturday, October 15, 2005

Last Sunset

On the top of Mullholland, I thought that today was probably the last day of this season.. since tomorrow it's suppose to rain. So I stayed for the sunset. Five minutes later, it looked like this....

One last sunset this month.

Something ends, and something begins.
According to folklore, October's full moon is called the "Hunter's Moon" or sometimes the "Blood Moon." It gets its name from hunters who tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead. The Hunter's Moon of 2005 is due on Oct. 17th. I'll be watching..


jbwritergirl said...

Sometimes you just have to wait for what you want and as always I see it worked out for you. Some people just seem to draw the lucky star as is evident with these beautiful sunset pictures. The fact that you got the picture and I didn't (or at least no one will ever know because of my err...uploading problem) makes me want to kick your Holga butt, so watch out girl!

ISOSOS said...

BRING IT ON JB! The gloves are off!

Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
