Monday, October 10, 2005

No Fish... Today

I had an idea, a picture in my mind that I saw about a year ago and I thought, "this afternoon would be a perfect opportunity to capture that image."

Sitting on the second floor of the Journalism Department at CSUN, I watched and waited for the golden light to come streaming into the building, through the side and front facade, a wall of glass. As the sun traveled through the sky, and I watched the changing light, I realized that something was different, something was going wrong. The light that once filled the halls, all three stories of them was now hidden by the new parking garage across the way. That garage was long over due, and the students are happy, but now, I wonder if anyone has noticed the change it's brought to this building? It kicked the what once was a view of amazing sunsets, in the ass. I'm sure the architect of the building will be happy to know his work is now in shadows, at least during the fall/winter. I'm hoping that the sun will be high enough in the summer, to try once more.
In the meantime, I wasted the few precious moments of daylight. I also learned a few things... long exposures with polaroids is a bad thing... at least it was for me today. I got nothing on that too. Sometimes you catch a fish, and sometimes you just come home empty handed.
This was the rocket launch from Vandenberg Airforce Base a few weeks ago.

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Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
