Sunday, November 06, 2005

Chrome and Leather

Today I spent a day with the Glendale Harley Club and fell in love with the feeling winding wiping around me, the open road, and the camaraderie that comes with owning one of these amazing Beasts! I could really get hooked... yes I still worry about the crazy drivers in their cars, but when riding with a pack of professionals,
I felt it's a really safe way to "have your cake and eat it too." Today was the kind of assignment that photojournalists live for. Although I must say that next time I go out, I will know more of what I should do, and can do. It's hard to imagine when you've never held two camera bodies on your knees and you can't see through the view finder, but hey... every now and then "Hail Marys," are good things! (That is say a prayer before you shoot because you only hope you're getting what you think you should be getting. Anyway, it was a great ride from Glendale to Camp Pendleton and back, smooth as glass!
Something unusual happened when we stopped for gas... a Ladybug landed on my driver, Jeff, he was a great driver by the way, and for his good deed today, maybe just an extra helping of luck too.
P.S. Don't tell my Mom!

1 comment:

jbwritergirl said...

Somehow it's hard to believe that you could possibly hold those gigantic camera on your lap or anywhere for that matter while sitting on the back of a Harley.
You make me proud, and no I won't tell your mother!
Great great shots my dear.
Love ya,

Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
