Monday, July 06, 2009

Songs Outside My Window

It seems my life has taken a turn, and so now is the time to get back to writing. To trying to make some sense of my life. But does life ever make sense?
It's the middle of summer and the birds are kind enough to visit me every night to sing their songs. Songs they never sing during the day. I will have to take some time and record them. But for now, I think I'll just let them sing me to sleep.

-- Post From My iPhone
On the run ... Tammy Abbott

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Tammy Abbott

My photo
Photojournalism is my passion, it's an amazing way to see and experience the world. I don't know if what I do will ever have a greater meaning then to fill the pages of daily newspapers. I've seen and felt first hand how important it is to approach the subject of my lense with kindness, respect and honesty. My background is in art and music. If I could express my feelings about life it would be embodied in the song made famous by Louis Armstrong, written by George Weiss and Thiele, "What A Wonderful World."
